Okay, so today I wanted to check out the schedule for the Toronto Blue Jays vs. Milwaukee Brewers games. I’m a huge Blue Jays fan, and I’ve been meaning to catch a game against the Brewers. So, I started my little investigation.

Figuring Out the Schedule
First, I grabbed my phone and opened up my browser. I typed in something simple like “Blue Jays vs Brewers schedule”. I just wanted to see the dates, times, and maybe where the games were being played.
The search results popped up, and I quickly scanned through them.I found some information.
Game Details
It looks like I was looking for games that already happened, or the search results are not so good! I only wanted a list. So I refined my searching this time, digging into websites, and I realized they only played each other in May. The match details are below.
- Date:May,
- Location: Some in Toronto, some in Milwaukee,
- Times: varied as well.
I now know when they played the games in May this year! Next time I gotta be more clear about what I want to search for, maybe next year I can try search for next season’s games.