Okay, so I’ve been seeing a lot of chatter online about Cody Rhodes and his political views. It’s a bit of a hot topic, especially with him being such a prominent figure in the wrestling world. So, I decided to do a little digging myself, just to see what’s what.

First, I just started with a simple Google search. You know, “Cody Rhodes political views,” “Cody Rhodes Republican,” “Cody Rhodes Democrat,” that kind of stuff. I figured that would give me a broad overview of what people were saying.
The search results were…interesting. Lots of forum posts, social media discussions, and a few articles, but nothing super concrete. I did find a ton of speculation, which I will get into further detail here.
I decided to check out Cody’s social media, mostly his Twitter. I scrolled through his feed, looking for any obvious political statements, endorsements, or anything that would give a clear indication of his leaning. It’s mostly wrestling stuff, family photos, and promotional posts. I mean, the guy’s busy, I get it.
Next step, digging into interviews. I watched a bunch of interviews with Cody on YouTube, listening carefully for any hints about his political beliefs. He talks a lot about wrestling, his family’s legacy, his business ventures, and his fans, and how they motivate him.
So, after all this “research,” what did I find? Honestly, not a whole lot. I have to deduce information based on what he hasn’t said.
It seems like Cody Rhodes intentionally keeps his political views private. He doesn’t engage in political debates online, doesn’t endorse candidates, and generally avoids talking about politics in interviews.
This is a very common choice for athletes and other stars to make. You have to remain popular, especially with a large audiance.
- Do your own research! My data is my own, and may be skewed.
- Try to find interviews, and listen to what he says.
- Check his social media, if you really care.
- Maybe just enjoy the wrestling?