Alright, let’s talk about this whole Conor McGregor walk thing. You know the one – that strut he does? Saw it ages ago, probably during one of his fight walkouts on TV. My first thought was, “Man, that guy’s got some serious swagger,” maybe a bit over the top, but you couldn’t deny it caught your eye.

So, one boring afternoon, I just thought, why not? Let’s see if I can actually do that weird arm-swinging walk. Seemed like a funny thing to try, maybe bust it out for a laugh sometime.
Getting Started: Observation
First thing I did was pull up some videos. Watched McGregor do it over and over. Really tried to break it down in my head. Okay, so the arms are key. They’re super loose, right? Like noodles hanging off your shoulders. And they swing way out, almost rotating from the shoulder socket, not just the elbow.
- Noticed his chest is puffed out.
- Shoulders seem kinda pulled back but relaxed at the same time? Weird combo.
- The walk itself isn’t fast, more like a slow, deliberate strut.
- And that face! Gotta have the serious, slightly smug look.
The Awkward First Tries
Then came the actual trying part. Stood in front of the hallway mirror. Okay, deep breath. Tried swinging my arms like I saw in the videos. Felt absolutely ridiculous. My arms felt like stiff logs, not loose noodles. I tried walking while doing it, and it just fell apart. Looked more like I was having some kinda seizure than doing a cool walk.
It was harder than it looked! Getting the timing right – the arm swing coordinating with the leg movement – was tricky. My shoulders were all tense, trying too hard to force the movement instead of letting it flow.
Practice Makes… Less Awkward
Didn’t give up though. Kept practicing here and there, mostly when nobody was watching. Focused on just relaxing my shoulders first. Like, consciously telling myself, “Let your arms hang heavy.” Then I’d practice the swing without walking, just getting that rotation feel.
Slowly added the walking back in. Took small steps. Found that you gotta really lean into the swagger part. It’s not just the arms; it’s the whole body attitude. Puffing the chest out helped, strangely enough. It kinda forces your shoulders back a bit and makes the arm swing feel a tiny bit more natural… well, as natural as that walk can feel.
Had my kid watch me once. Got a good laugh, but also a useful comment: “Dad, you look too stiff.” Okay, noted. More looseness required.
Getting the Hang of It
After a few days of goofing around with it, something started to click. It wasn’t perfect, probably never will be McGregor-level, but it started feeling less like separate, awkward movements and more like one single, fluid (in its own weird way) strut. The key, I think, was not overthinking it and just embracing the slight absurdity of the whole thing. It’s supposed to look exaggerated.

The biggest part is the confidence, or at least pretending to have it. You gotta commit to the swing and the strut.
The Result?
So, can I do the Conor McGregor walk now? Yeah, kinda! Enough to make people chuckle, anyway. I tried it walking down the office hallway for a laugh the other day. Got some raised eyebrows and a few smiles. It’s a dumb little party trick, but honestly, it was pretty fun learning it. Just a silly exercise in breaking down a movement and trying to replicate it. Didn’t gain any fighting skills, but hey, I learned a weird walk.