Alright, let me walk you through what I did with ugc 302 today. It was on my list, so I decided to just dive in this morning.

First up, I logged into the system and pulled up the task queue specifically for ugc 302. Looked like a decent chunk of stuff to get through, mainly reviewing user submissions. Standard stuff, really.
I started at the top of the list. Opened the first item, checked it against our guidelines. It was fine, so I marked it approved and moved to the next one. Just kept doing that, rinse and repeat. Click, review, decide, move on. Most of it was pretty straightforward, honestly. Photos, little text blurbs, the usual.
Hit a few snags though. There were maybe five or six items that were kind of borderline. Took me a bit longer to figure them out. Had to reread the policy document for a specific rule, just to make sure I was getting it right. You don’t want to mess those up. So, yeah, spent extra time staring at those few.
Also, the platform felt a bit slow today. Clicking between items had this little lag. Not terrible, but definitely noticeable when you’re trying to get into a rhythm. Made the whole process feel a tiny bit more sluggish than usual.
Kept plugging away. Went through maybe half of batch 302 before I decided to take a quick break, stretch my legs. Came back, refilled my water, and got back into it. The second half felt a bit quicker, maybe because I was used to the flow by then, or maybe the tricky ones were all in the first part.
Finished up the last item in the ugc 302 batch around mid-afternoon. For those couple of really iffy ones I wasn’t 100% sure about, I flagged them for a senior review. Better safe than sorry, right? Then I marked the whole ugc 302 task as completed in the tracking system.
Felt good to get it cleared off my dashboard. Another task down. That was pretty much my experience handling ugc 302 today.