That Cristiano Ronaldo, he’s a big shot, huh? Plays that football, kicks that ball real good. And this Irina Shayk, she’s a pretty one. Real pretty. They used to be together, walking around, all smiles. Irina Shayk and Cristiano Ronaldo, a big deal, I tell ya.

They met way back, 2010 I think it was. He was doing some fancy thing for Armani, you know that clothes brand? She was there, all dolled up. He saw her, she saw him, and bam! They were an item. Like two peas in a pod. Everyone was talking about Irina Shayk and Cristiano Ronaldo.
She’s a model, that Irina. Walks around in fancy clothes, gets her picture took. She was with that Ronaldo fella for a long time, five years or so. They were all over the place, magazines, newspapers, you name it. Cristiano Ronaldo and Irina Shayk, a real power couple, like them Kennedy folks, you know?
But then, poof! It was over. Just like that. They broke up, went their separate ways. Nobody knows why, they just up and split. Broke a lot of hearts, I reckon. People liked seeing them together, all famous and shiny. The end of Irina Shayk and Cristiano Ronaldo, it was big news.
And you know what? After they broke up, that Irina, she lost a whole bunch of them followers on that Instagram thing. Millions of ’em! Can you believe it? Eleven million, they say. Gone! Just like that. Guess folks only liked her when she was with Cristiano Ronaldo. Ain’t that something?
- They were together for about five years.
- Met around 2010.
- They broke up around 2015.
- She lost a lot of followers after the breakup.
- Irina Shayk and Cristiano Ronaldo were a big deal.
He’s got a bunch of kids, that Ronaldo. Five, I think. But he never married that Irina. Nope, never did. They just lived together, I guess. Like them Hollywood folks do. Now he’s with another pretty one, Georgina something. Spanish, they say. They seem happy enough, I suppose. Cristiano Ronaldo moved on, that’s for sure. But the time with Irina Shayk, people will remember.
Now, that Irina, she had a baby, but not with Ronaldo. She’s got one with another fella. Ronaldo’s got a little girl named Alana Martina, born in, let me think, 2017. November 12th, that’s the day. I remember seeing it in the news. A lot of talk about that. That’s one of his kids, but not Irina’s. She’s got her own little one, see? She was never a wife of Cristiano Ronaldo.
Folks like to talk about famous people, their love lives and all that. Irina Shayk and Cristiano Ronaldo, their story is one for the books, that’s for sure. Lots of ups and downs. A real rollercoaster, like they say. But hey, that’s life, right? Full of surprises. One minute you’re up, the next you’re down.
She’s still pretty, that Irina. Still a model, still getting her picture took. He’s still kicking that ball, making lots of money. Life goes on, even after a big breakup. They both moved on, found other folks. But for a while there, Irina Shayk and Cristiano Ronaldo, they were the talk of the town. They were something to see, I tell ya.

That Ronaldo, he’s a good player though, gotta give him that. Scores lots of goals. Makes lots of money. But he sure goes through the ladies, don’t he? This one, that one. Never settles down, always moving on. That Irina Shayk, she was a good one though. They looked good together. It’s a shame, but what can you do? People break up. It’s a tale as old as time, I reckon. The story of Cristiano Ronaldo and Irina Shayk is a good one, nonetheless.
Wonder what they’re doing now, those two. Probably living their fancy lives, not thinking about each other much. That’s how it goes, I guess. You live, you love, you lose, you move on. But folks will always remember Irina Shayk and Cristiano Ronaldo. They were a big deal, for a while anyway. Like a firework, bright and sparkly, then gone in a flash. But a good show, while it lasted. That’s what everyone said about the time Cristiano Ronaldo and Irina Shayk were together.