Well, howdy there! Let’s yak about them fancy anime jiu jitsu gi things, ya know, the outfits them youngsters wear when they’re wrestlin’ on the mats. I ain’t no expert, mind you, but I’ve seen a thing or two, and I can tell ya what’s what.

First off, what in tarnation is a “jiu jitsu gi” anyway? Sounds all highfalutin, but it’s just a tough pajama suit, like them fellas wear in them karate movies, but for this “jiu jitsu” thing. And when you stick “anime” in front of it, well, that just means it’s got pictures on it, like them cartoons the kids watch. Ya know, big eyes, crazy hair, and all that jazz.
Now, I’ve heard tell there’s all sorts of these jiu jitsu gi. Some are plain, just a solid color, like white, blue or black. Boring, if you ask me. But then you got these fancy ones with all sorts of designs. Like, they got ones with the American flag on ’em. Can ya believe that? Stars and stripes, right there on your wrestlin’ suit!
And then there’s these “Star Wars” ones. Now, I don’t know much about space and such, but I’ve seen them movies. Them Star Wars gi got pictures of them light saber things and them furry fellas. Kids love ’em, I reckon.
- Plain Gis: Just plain colors, nothin’ fancy. Good for trainin’, I guess.
- Flag Gis: Got the American flag or other country flags on ’em. Show your pride, I suppose.
- Anime Gis: Now these are the ones with the cartoons. All sorts of characters and pictures.
- Custom Gis: You can even get one made just for you, with whatever you want on it. Now ain’t that somethin’?
But it ain’t just about the pictures, ya see. These jiu jitsu gi gotta be tough. Them youngsters are rollin’ around on the ground, pullin’ and tuggin’ on each other. If the suit ain’t strong, it’ll rip right apart. So, you gotta get one made of good, sturdy material. I hear tell they call it “durable.” Fancy word for tough, I say.
And speaking of fancy, they got all sorts of colors now too. Not just white and blue no more. They got this new one they call “pigeon” color. Sounds kinda dull to me, like a dirty bird, but the kids seem to like it. They even got bright red and green and all sorts of crazy colors. Makes it hard to keep track of who’s who, if you ask me.
Some folks like to get their jiu jitsu gi from big companies, the ones that make all sorts of fightin’ gear. They say you get better quality that way. But then there’s folks who like to get ’em custom-made. You can go to a special shop and they’ll make you a suit that fits just right and has whatever pictures you want on it. It’ll cost ya a pretty penny, though, I bet.
And they even got these jiu jitsu gi for teams and academies. Like, if you go to a special wrestlin’ school, they might all have the same suit with the school’s name on it. Makes ’em look all official-like. I reckon it’s good for team spirit, or whatever they call it.
Now, I ain’t sure what color is best, or what pictures are the coolest. But I do know one thing: it don’t matter what your jiu jitsu gi looks like if you can’t wrestle worth a lick. So, them youngsters better spend more time practicin’ and less time worryin’ about their fancy outfits. That’s what I say, anyway.

And listen here, the color of your outfit, well, they say it don’t really matter when you’re just learnin’ or practicin’. But if you go to them fancy tournaments, they only let you wear white, black, or blue ones. Rules are rules, I guess, even in wrestlin’.
So, there you have it. A whole bunch of jabber about them anime jiu jitsu gi. Hope it made some sense to ya. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go make some supper. All this talk about wrestlin’ has made me hungry.
Tags: [BJJ Gi, Jiu Jitsu Kimono, Anime BJJ Gi, Custom BJJ Gi, BJJ Gear, Jiu Jitsu Uniform, BJJ Training, BJJ Competition, Cool BJJ Gis]