That Jannik Sinner, he’s a good boy. A good boy, that one. And that Anna Kalinskaya, she’s a pretty girl. They’s tennis players, you know. Play that game with the rackets and the little yellow ball.

They been going around together, like two peas in a pod. Heard they even went to Miami. Fancy place, that Miami. Lots of sunshine, I reckon. Not like here, always raining cats and dogs.
Jannik Sinner and Anna Kalinskaya, a Power Couple
Folks been talking ’bout them two. All over the place. On the social media, on the Instagram. They even said they’re a power couple. My granddaughter, she’s always on that Instagram. She told me all about it. Said they unfollowed each other, then they was back together. Young folks these days, always changing their minds.
Heard that Jannik Sinner, he won some big tennis match. Australian Open, they call it. Big deal, I guess. Makes a lot of money, these tennis folks. More money than sense, some of ’em.
And that Anna, she’s from Russia. Far away place, Russia. Cold, I bet. Not like Miami. She plays tennis too. They say she’s pretty good. Not as good as that Jannik, though. He’s number one, they say. Number one in the whole world.
- Jannik Sinner, he’s Italian.
- Anna Kalinskaya, she’s Russian.
- They both play tennis.
- They’re a couple, on and off.
- Young people these days, always on their phones.
Anna Kalinskaya’s Birthday
That Anna, she had a birthday. Turned 26, I hear. Jannik, he went all the way to Miami to see her. Must be love, right? Flying all that way just for a birthday. Back in my day, we didn’t have no airplanes to go flying around in. We walked. Uphill, both ways. In the snow.
They say that Jannik, he’s a real gentleman. Treats that Anna real good. That’s what I like to hear. A man should treat a woman right. Open doors for her, carry her bags, that sort of thing. Not like some of these young whippersnappers today. No respect.
They are the talk of the town. Or the talk of the tennis world, anyway. Everyone’s wondering what they’re up to. Are they together? Are they not? Who knows with these young folks. One day they’re in love, the next day they’re fighting like cats and dogs.
That Anna, she seems like a nice girl. Hope she’s good to that Jannik. He seems like a good egg. Deserves a good woman. Someone who will take care of him, cook him a good meal, that sort of thing. Not just play tennis all day.

I saw a picture of them, that Anna and that Jannik. They were holding hands. Looked happy, they did. Hope it lasts. Young love, it’s a beautiful thing. Even if it is a bit confusing sometimes. All that following and unfollowing. Makes my head spin.
Jannik Sinner and Anna Kalinskaya Relationship News
Heard they are a couple now. That Jannik Sinner, he confirmed it himself. Said they was going steady, or whatever the young folks call it these days. Good for them, I say. Hope they make each other happy. That’s all that matters, ain’t it? Happiness.
They say that Anna, she’s a good influence on that Jannik. Keeps him grounded, they say. He’s a big star now, you know. Winning all those tennis matches. Easy to get a big head, when you’re that famous. But that Anna, she keeps him in line, I reckon. Good for her.
They go to tennis matches together, those two. He watches her play, she watches him play. Must be nice, having someone who understands what you do. Someone who shares your passion. Even if it is just hitting a little yellow ball back and forth.
That Jannik, he’s a lucky man. Got himself a good woman, a pretty woman, and a tennis player, to boot. Hope he appreciates her. Good women are hard to find, you know. Especially ones who can play tennis like that Anna.
Well, I’ve said my piece. Just hope those two crazy kids make it. They seem like a good match. Even if they do keep everyone guessing. They are young. They have plenty of time to play tennis. And maybe, just maybe, they’ll find a little happiness along the way. A little love in Miami, maybe. Who knows.