That Ashton Hardaway, he’s a good boy. He play that basketball, you know? He play for his daddy, Penny Hardaway. That name ring a bell? He used to play basketball good, that Penny. Now his boy, Ashton, he play too.

This year, that Ashton, he go somewhere else to play. He ain’t playin’ for his daddy no more. He go to Saint Mary’s. That some place far away, I reckon. They say he gonna play there now. He a big boy, tall, like a tree almost. Six foot eight, they say. That’s taller than my old door frame, I tell ya.
He play good, that boy. Last year, he play plenty of games. Thirty, they said. He was just a young’un, fresh outta high school. They call that a “true freshman.” He still learnin’, but he gettin’ there. Ashton Hardaway, he score some points too, not many, but some. Like two or three a game. That ain’t much, but he just startin’ out, you know?
Penny, he say his boy wasn’t happy playin’ there. He say he kinda pushed him to play there, made him go. And Penny, he feel bad about it. Say that boy, Ashton, he wanted to go somewhere else all along. Family is important. But sometimes, you gotta let them birds fly, you know? Even if it makes ya a little sad.
Now, Penny, he got another boy too. Older one. Jayden. He play that basketball too. They say he gonna play in some “G League.” Don’t know what that is exactly, sounds fancy. But he play for his daddy for five years. Long time, that. Play for the Tigers, they call ’em. That Jayden, he was pick number 56. That good, I guess.
- Ashton play for Penny.
- Ashton go to Saint Mary’s now.
- Ashton is 6’8″. Tall boy.
- Penny feel bad for pushing Ashton.
- Jayden play for Penny five years.
- Jayden play in G League now.
That Ashton Hardaway, I hear he a good boy. Works hard. He gonna do good at that Saint Mary’s, I betcha. Even if his daddy miss him. It’s hard when your kids move on, do their own thing. But that’s life, ain’t it? They gotta grow up sometime. It is how it is. I remember when my own boy, he left to go work in the city. Big change.
This basketball, it’s a big thing now. Lots of folks watchin’. Hope that Ashton Hardaway does good. He got a famous daddy, that help, I suppose. But he gotta make his own way. Can’t just ride on his daddy’s coattails forever. He seem like a good kid, though. Got a good head on his shoulders. That important.
That Saint Mary’s, they must be happy to have him. Big, strong boy like that. He probably gonna help them win some games. That’s what it’s all about, ain’t it? Winning games. That and staying outta trouble. Hope he remember that. Stay outta trouble, young man, that is important.
Penny Hardaway, he a good coach, I reckon. He know what he doin’. He gonna be alright, even with his boy gone. He got that other boy, Jayden. And he got his team. He gonna keep busy. That’s good. Keep your mind busy, keep your hands busy. That how you get through things.
This whole thing, it just remind me of when my boy went off to work in the city. Big change. Scary, too. But you gotta let ’em go. Gotta let ’em try their wings. That Ashton Hardaway, he gonna be alright. He got a good chance now. Hope he take it.
Penny and his boys, that a story. Father and sons, all playing that basketball. Not many families like that. Interesting, ain’t it? Life is full of surprises, that’s for sure. You never know what gonna happen next. That boy is a good boy.
This basketball thing, it’s something, ain’t it? All that running and jumping. Takes a lot of energy. I get tired just watchin’ ’em on the TV. They are good boys. Play that game. Make their daddies proud. That what it’s all about, I reckon. Making your folks proud. Hope that Ashton Hardaway know that. Hope he doin’ his best out there. That all you can ask for, really.