Okay, here’s my blog post about volunteering at the WM Phoenix Open, written in a casual, first-person style:

So, I finally did it! I volunteered at the WM Phoenix Open. It’s something I’d been thinking about doing for years, and this year, I just decided to go for it. Let me tell you, it was a wild ride, and I’m here to spill all the tea about my experience.
Getting Started
First things first, I had to actually sign up. I hit up their website, which wasn’t super fancy, but it got the job done. I found the volunteer section – honestly, it took a little digging. Filled out the application, which was pretty standard stuff. You know, name, contact info, availability, why I wanted to volunteer, that kind of thing. They also asked about my preferred roles, but it’s not like you’re guaranteed to get what you want.
I chose things that sounded like I would be in the action, so it was mostly like marshalling and being a walking scorer. After that, it was a waiting game.
The Waiting Game
I got an email after that letting me know I was officially in. Then, the real training began.
Training Days
The training was…well, it was training. We met at this big room, a bunch of us newbies all eager and confused. They showed us some videos, went over the rules (lots of rules!), and basically tried to prepare us for the madness that is the Phoenix Open. Honestly, half of it went over my head at the time, but it started to make sense once I was actually out there.
The most important thing I learned during training was not to take pictures of videos of the pros.
My Actual Job
I ended up being a marshal, mostly. My job? Basically, crowd control. I was stationed at one of the holes, and my main task was to keep people quiet when the golfers were getting ready to swing. You wouldn’t believe how hard that can be! People just love to chat, and some of them don’t realize how loud they’re being. I felt like a professional “shusher” by the end of the week.
My job was not fun, but important, I guess. I mostly just made sure people didn’t go where they weren’t supposed to.

The Perks (and Downsides)
Okay, so the perks. First, you get to be at the Phoenix Open! It’s an electric atmosphere. You’re right there in the middle of it all, feeling the energy of the crowd. Plus, you get a free pass for the whole week, even when you’re not working. That’s pretty sweet. And, they fed us! Free lunch and snacks, which was definitely appreciated.
The downsides? Well, it’s long hours. You’re on your feet all day, in the sun (or sometimes rain, you never know with Arizona weather). And, let’s be real, dealing with crowds can be exhausting. Some people are awesome, some…not so much. But hey, that’s part of the experience, right?
Would I Do It Again?
Absolutely! It was tiring, sure, but it was also a ton of fun. I met some cool people, got to be part of a huge event, and learned a whole new appreciation for golf (and crowd control!). If you’re thinking about volunteering, I say go for it. Just be prepared for some long days, a lot of walking, and a whole lot of “Quiet please!”