Okay, so I’ve been messing around with this game, Brawl Stars, and let me tell you, there’s this one character, Sandy, that I’ve been trying to figure out. He’s a Legendary Controller, whatever that means, but basically, he’s pretty good if you know how to use him. I’ve been trying all sorts of stuff, and today I finally cracked the code, I think. I’ve got what I’m calling the “best Sandy build.”

First off, I started playing a bunch of matches with Sandy just to get a feel for him. He’s got this cool ultimate ability, some kind of sandstorm, which I guess is where he gets his name. Anyway, it’s super useful, but his regular attacks? Not so much, at least at first glance, he’s not some high damage output type of character, he’s more like a control type. So I was losing a lot, not gonna lie. But I kept at it, experimenting with different combinations, you know?
The Build
So, here’s what I ended up with after all that trial and error:
- Gadget: I went with “Sweet Dreams.” It’s a pretty simple gadget but it helps to stun and control enemies.
- Star Power: “Rude Sands” is what I chose for the star power. It’s the same idea as the gadget and offers a good amount of utility and control.
- Gear 1: Exhausting Storm, I think this is a good choice for Sandy. It just feels like it makes the sandstorm ultimate even more powerful.
- Gear 2: “Speed” is the second gear. I figured since I was already making him super annoying with the sandstorm, I might as well make him fast too.
I played a bunch more matches with this setup, and man, it’s a whole different ball game. The speed from the gear lets me zip around, dropping sandstorms, and then “Sweet Dreams” lets me keep enemies stuck while “Rude Sands” whittles them down. It’s not about big, flashy attacks, it’s about controlling the flow of the fight. It is super fun to play and to control the enemies. I even started winning some matches, which felt pretty good after all those losses.
I’m not saying I’m some Brawl Stars pro now or anything, but this Sandy build? It’s definitely something. It makes him way more fun to play, and way more effective. It’s kinda like, you’re not just attacking, you’re more like a conductor, orchestrating the whole match. If you’re struggling with Sandy, or just looking for a new way to play him, give this build a shot. You might be surprised how much better he feels, even if you’re not very experienced in playing this type of character.
Anyway, that’s my little experiment for the day. It was a grind, but I think I learned a lot about this Sandy guy. Gotta love games that let you tinker and figure stuff out like this. This is my personal journey on building the best Sandy and I think it is quite successful. I hope you enjoy it!