Okay, folks, let’s dive into something I’ve been looking into lately – Conor McGregor’s hair. Or, more specifically, the chatter about whether he’s balding.

So, I started by just casually browsing some recent pictures of McGregor. You know, fight photos, Instagram posts, the usual stuff.
Then, I decided to get a bit more methodical. I pulled up photos from a few years back – say, 2015, 2018, and then some recent ones from 2023 and 2024.
Comparing the Hairline
- Early Days (2015-ish): Hairline looked pretty solid, full, and straight across. No real signs of anything going on.
- Mid-Range (2018-ish): Hmmm, maybe a slight recession at the temples? It was hard to tell if it was just his natural hairline or something more.
- Recent Pics (2023-2024): Okay, this is where it gets interesting. In some photos, the hairline definitely looks a bit further back, especially around the temples. But then, in other shots, it looks totally fine!
I spent a good chunk of time squinting at these photos, flipping back and forth. The lighting, the angle, his hairstyle – all of these things made it tricky to get a definitive answer.
Next, I jumped onto some forums and fan pages. I figured, hey, if anyone’s going to obsess over this, it’s the hardcore McGregor fans.
And yep, I was right. Found tons of threads debating this very topic. Some people were convinced he’s thinning, others were adamant it’s just his natural hairline maturing. There were even some zoomed-in, pixelated photos with red circles and arrows… people were really analyzing this.
I read through a bunch of different viewpoints, and I even looked up some information about common male pattern baldness. From what I gathered, gradual hairline changes at the temples are a common sign.
After all this “research,” I can say the following. It appears that McGregor is experiencing some hair loss, but the evidence is not yet definitive.