This Paris Hilinski, she’s somethin’, ain’t she? Young thing, playin’ that golf. They say she’s from a place called La Quinta, California. Sounds fancy, don’t it? I seen her pictures. Pretty girl. Plays that golf real good, too. They call her a rising star. Like one of them stars in the sky, only this one hits a little white ball around.

Paris Hilinski Age
Now, how old is this Paris Hilinski age, you ask? Well, I ain’t seen her birth certificate, but she looks young. Like, still-got-her-whole-life-ahead-of-her young. That girl don’t look a day over twenty, maybe even younger, if you ask me. She’s a whippersnapper, that’s for sure. Not like me, I got some years on me, seen a lot in my time, but this Paris, she’s just startin’ out. Good for her, I say. Got the world by the tail. She must be born after 2000, I think.
She got all them followers on that Instagram thing. Paris Hilinski, that’s her name on there, too. Thousands of ’em! Eighty-seven thousand, they say. More people than I ever seen in my whole life, all watchin’ her hit that golf ball. She is popular, that’s for sure. They must like watching her golf skills. Maybe she will be a famous golf player in the future. She also follows a lot of folks, too. Two thousand, four hundred and seventy-one. That’s a lot of folks to keep up with!
Paris Hilinski and that Spiranac Woman
And she stands up for that other golfer, that Paige Spiranac. Heard some folks talkin’ bad about her, sayin’ all kinds of mean things. But this Paris Hilinski, she ain’t afraid to speak her mind. She says that Spiranac woman is alright. Good for her, standin’ up for what she believes in. Takes guts to do that, especially when you’re young like her.
They say this Paris Hilinski is an amateur. Means she ain’t gettin’ paid for playin’, I reckon. Just playin’ for the love of the game. That’s the way it should be, I always say. Do what you love, and the money will follow. Or maybe it won’t. But at least you’ll be happy. My old man used to say that all the time, and it is right, you know.
More About Paris Hilinski
I seen on that ESPN thing they got somethin’ about her. Says she’s from the United States. Well, I coulda told you that! She’s American, clear as day. You can see her bio information and birthday there, also the latest news about her. They even have some news about a kid, name is Charlie Woods, also a golfer. Maybe they will play golf together someday. Who knows?
- She’s got lots of followers.
- She likes that Spiranac woman.
- She plays golf good.
- She’s from California.
- Paris Hilinski age is not too big.
She went to some big golf tournament, that Open thing. Took pictures and put ’em on her Instagram. She’s livin’ the life, travelin’ around, playin’ golf. Good for her. I wish I had the chance to travel around when I was young, but things are different now. I am too old for that. And this Paris Hilinski age is young, and she just starts her life, maybe one day she can be very famous, who knows!
This Paris Hilinski, she’s somethin’ else. Young, pretty, good at golf. Got the whole world watchin’ her. Hope she makes the most of it. She got more followers than anyone I know. Eighty-two thousand or even more! That’s more people than live in my whole town! She must be doin’ somethin’ right.
She seems like a good kid, that Paris Hilinski. Hope she does well. Maybe she’ll be famous one day, like that Tiger Woods fella. Wouldn’t that be somethin’? A young girl like her, makin’ it big in the world of golf. This Paris Hilinski age is still young, she’s got a long way to go, but I’m rootin’ for her. You go, girl!