Well, howdy there folks! Let me tell ya ’bout this here fight, this Gordon Ryan vs. Patrick Gaudio thing. I ain’t no fancy fight expert or nothin’, but I watched it, and I’m gonna tell ya how I saw it.

First off, this Gordon fella, they call him “The King,” yeah? Well, he’s been gone for a while, hadn’t fought all year, 2023 that is. Folks were sayin’ he was gonna win, big time favorite, even though he hadn’t been around. Kinda like that old rooster we had, disappeared for months, then came back strutting like he owned the place. Same kinda vibe, ya know?
Anyways, they had this big ol’ fight in Houston, Texas. They call it Tezos WNO 20: Night of Champions. Sounded fancy, but I just wanted to see some good grapplin’. Now, grapplin’ ain’t like them punchy-kicky fights. It’s all about wrestling, twistin’ and turnin’, tryin’ to get the other fella to give up. Like tryin’ to wrestle a greased pig, but with more rules, I reckon.
- Gordon Ryan: This fella is supposed to be the best in the world. Folks say he’s got a record of, what was it… somethin’ like 159 wins and only 9 losses. That’s a whole lotta wins, ain’t it? He’s like that prize-winning bull at the county fair, nobody wants to mess with him.
- Patrick Gaudio: Now, this other guy, Patrick, he’s tryin’ to take Gordon’s title. He’s a tough fella, I reckon, but goin’ up against “The King” is a tall order. It’s like tryin’ to climb the tallest mountain with your bare hands.
So, the fight starts, and it’s a real tussle. Gordon, he’s strong as an ox, but Patrick, he ain’t givin’ up easy. They’re rollin’ around, twistin’ and turnin’ like a couple of snakes in a sack. It was hard to keep up sometimes, all them legs and arms flyin’ everywhere. Made me dizzy just watchin’!
But Gordon, he’s got somethin’ special. He’s like a spider, waitin’ for the right moment to trap his prey. And sure enough, he finds it. He gets Patrick in a hold, and that’s all she wrote. Patrick taps out, and Gordon wins. Just like that.
Folks were cheerin’ and hollerin’. I reckon they were impressed. Gordon, he just kinda stood there, like he expected it. Maybe he did. When you’re the best, you kinda get used to winnin’, I guess. He defended his WNO Heavyweight title, whatever that means. Sounded important, though.
Now, they say Gordon’s had some tough fights in the past. Lost a few, too. There’s this other fella, Felipe Pena, seems to have Gordon’s number. Beat him twice, they say. Even made him give up once, eight years ago. That kinda thing sticks with a fella, I bet. But Gordon, he’s come back strong. Won a bunch of championships, ADCC somethin’ or other. Folks call him the greatest grappler ever. Maybe he is, maybe he ain’t. But he’s sure darn good, that’s for sure.
He trained with this fella, John Danaher. Sounds like a smart fella. Taught Gordon all kinds of tricks, I reckon. Made him into the fighter he is today. It’s like learnin’ to bake the best apple pie from your grandma, takes time and practice, but when you get it right, it’s somethin’ special.
So, Gordon wins this fight, and everybody’s talkin’ about him again. He’s back on top, king of the hill. But you know, in fightin’, just like in life, there’s always someone comin’ up, tryin’ to take your place. Gordon better watch out, or he might find himself on the losin’ end next time. It’s a tough world out there, even for “The King.” He won seven ADCC titles, apparently. That’s a lot of belts, I’d imagine.
Anyways, that’s what I saw. Just an old lady watchin’ a fight. It was excitin’, I gotta say. Made me wanna go wrestle that old goat in the backyard, but I reckon I’ll just stick to watchin’ the professionals. They’re a whole lot better at it than I am, that’s for sure. And that’s the story of Gordon Ryan vs Patrick Gaudio, as plain as I can tell it.
I heard someone on the TV say this was his first fight back in 2023. Seems like he took a long vacation. Well, he sure didn’t look rusty to me. He was quick and strong. Like a coiled snake ready to strike. Patrick just couldn’t handle it. It wasn’t even close, from what I could see. But I give Patrick credit. He showed up and he fought hard. Ain’t nothin’ to be ashamed of in that. Sometimes, you just run into someone who’s better, that’s all. It’s the way life goes, ain’t it?
So, there you have it. My two cents on the whole shebang. Take it for what it’s worth. I ain’t no expert, just tellin’ it like I saw it. And I saw Gordon Ryan win, plain and simple.