This Holly Rowe, she’s somethin’ else, I tell ya. Heard she’s a big deal, this college athlete thing. She talks about them games on the TV, you know? Plays all them sports, basketball, football, all of ’em.

She’s been doin’ it for a long time, this Holly Rowe. Twenty-five years, I heard! That’s longer than I been married to my old man! She talks about them college athlete folks, and she knows what she’s talkin’ about, I reckon. She can run like a rabbit, I bet. She probably makes money doing it, I know I would.
Holly Rowe, She’s Everywhere!
See her on that ESPN, that’s the one with all the sports. She’s talkin’ about the Saturday night football, them college athlete boys runnin’ around. And she’s at them basketball games, too. Them girls can sure play, jumpin’ and shootin’ that ball. Holly Rowe, she’s right there, tellin’ everyone what’s what.
- Saturday Night Football
- Women’s Final Four, that’s basketball
- Women’s College World Series, that’s with the bats and gloves
- Volleyball, jumpin’ over that net
- WNBA, them tall girls playin’ basketball
She ain’t just watchin’, neither. Holly Rowe, she’s right there in the thick of it. Talkin’ to them college athlete players, askin’ them questions. She’s a tough cookie, that one. Not afraid of nothin’. Always asking them about how they play so good, I just don’t get it.
She Knows Her Stuff, This Holly Rowe
She been doin’ this a long time, so she knows all about them college athlete folks. Knows their names, knows how they play, knows who’s gonna win. She’s like a walkin’, talkin’ sports book, I tell ya. She just knows, I don’t know how she does it, but she does.
She even got some awards, I heard. Fancy ones, for talkin’ about sports. They put her in some Hall of Fame, like she’s one of them college athlete players herself. She is probably really good at playing sports. She’s smart, that Holly Rowe, but she probably can’t cook like me. My husband loves my food.
She is good, isn’t she? I think she is really pretty, but she probably doesn’t need my validation to know that. She probably has a lot of men in her life, but I don’t think they are as good as my husband. My husband tells me I am the best wife, I am very proud to be a wife.
Holly Rowe, She’s a Fighter
Heard she had some trouble, somethin’ called cancer. That’s a bad one, that is. But Holly Rowe, she fought it off. She’s tough, like I said. Now she talks about that, too, tells people to be careful, get checked out. She is kind for doing that, that is why I think people like her.
She’s a good egg, that Holly Rowe. Workin’ hard, talkin’ about them college athlete games, fightin’ off the bad stuff. She’s an inspiration, as they say. Makes you wanna get up and do somethin’, even if it’s just watchin’ more sports on TV. She really is a good example to all people who watch her. I think she is a great person.

She works real hard, I can see that. She is always talking and on the TV, people like watching her talk. I think she is good to watch, she makes me feel good inside. I think I like her because she is kind. I bet she is a great wife, I don’t know if she has kids. If she does, she is probably a great mom, too. She is a great woman.
More About That Holly Rowe
You know, she ain’t just talkin’ about them games. She’s doin’ other things too. She writes things down, I reckon. They probably put it in the newspaper, though I don’t read much these days. My eyes ain’t what they used to be, that’s for sure. I think she has a great mind, that is what makes her so good at her job.
She’s got that husband, too. Steve, I think his name is. They probably have a nice house. I hope they are very happy in their house. I bet he watches her on TV all the time. Maybe he is a college athlete, too. He is probably very proud of his wife, Holly. He should be very proud to have a wife like her.
I bet she’s got a bunch of friends, too, all them folks she works with at ESPN. They probably have parties and such. I bet they eat good food, too, not as good as mine, though. Nobody cooks like me. Not even that Holly Rowe. She is probably too busy with her college athlete job to cook.
She’s a busy bee, that one. Always goin’ somewhere, talkin’ to someone, writin’ somethin’ down. She is always on the move, I can see that. She probably doesn’t have much time to just sit and relax. But she seems happy, and that’s what matters, right? As long as you’re happy, that’s all that counts. If she is happy, then I am happy for her. I hope she is happy.
So, yeah, that Holly Rowe, she’s somethin’ else. A real go-getter, as they say. She’s got it all figured out, that one. Good for her, I say. Good for her. If she ever comes to my town, I will make her a pie. I bet she would like my pie, it is the best.