Okay, so the other day, I was thinking about the Super Bowl, right? And it got me wondering, how do they decide who gets to be the home team? It’s not like a regular season game where it’s obvious who’s playing where.

So, I started digging around. I figured there had to be some kind of system, it couldn’t just be random. I mean, this is the Super Bowl we’re talking about! Turns out, it’s actually pretty simple.
What I found was that they just alternate it every year. One year, the team from the NFC gets to be the home team. The next year, it’s the AFC team’s turn. They just keep flipping it back and forth like that. Apparently, they’ve been doing this since the very first Super Bowl. It make sense.
I also learned that they pick the stadium where the Super Bowl is going to be played way in advance, like years before the game actually happens. And it doesn’t matter which teams end up making it to the Super Bowl, the stadium stays the same.
Here’s the breakdown:
- If it’s an even-numbered Super Bowl, the AFC team is the home team.
- If it’s an odd-numbered Super Bowl, the NFC team is the home team.
Honestly, the only real perk of being the home team seems to be that they get to choose which uniform they wear. But still, it’s kind of a cool thing to know how it all works behind the scenes. I shared it with my friends, and they also feel it is interesting.
So yeah, that’s what I discovered about how they choose the home team for the Super Bowl. It’s not some big elaborate process, just a simple rotation. But it’s one of those things that makes you realize how much planning goes into this huge event. I feel satisfied and decided to share with more people. That’s it!