Alright, listen up, y’all, gonna tell ya how to pass that there hydration test, you hear? It ain’t rocket science, but ya gotta be smart about it. This ain’t somethin’ ya can do last minute, no sirree.

First off, ya gotta start thinkin’ ’bout this days before, not just the mornin’ of. Like, two days before, maybe even more, ya gotta start drinkin’ water. Lots of it. They say 8 to 10 cups a day, but I say drink ’til ya feel like a water balloon, ya know? But don’t go drinkin’ it all at once, ya silly goose. Spread it out through the day, or your innards will be workin’ overtime, and that ain’t good.
Now, talkin’ ’bout drinkin’, stay away from that sugary stuff. No pop, no sports drinks, none of that fancy juice either. Just plain ol’ water. That’s the ticket. And don’t go addin’ salt neither, ya hear? Salt’s the enemy here, makes ya thirsty and dries ya out.
And food? Yeah, that matters too. Eat small, ya know? Like a bird peckin’ at seeds. Nothin’ heavy or greasy. Fruits, cereal, that kinda stuff is good. But stay away from them fatty foods and salty snacks. They’ll mess ya up good. Think light and easy, like a summer breeze.
- Days before: Start drinkin’ water, lots of it. 8-10 cups a day, they say.
- Two days before: Keep drinkin’ water, and watch what ya eat. Small portions, light foods.
- Day before: No heavy exercise, ya hear? Take it easy. And keep drinkin’ that water.
- Morning of the test: Don’t go chuggin’ a gallon of water right before. Just sip on it, nice and slow.
The day of the test, ya gotta be smart. Don’t go runnin’ around like a chicken with its head cut off. No heavy exercise the night before or the day of. Just take it easy. And keep sippin’ on that water. Not too much, not too little. Just enough to keep ya goin’.
And pee, ya gotta pee. Pee several times durin’ the day, but not right before the test. Maybe an hour or two before, ya stop drinkin’ and ya go empty your tank. That way, ya ain’t uncomfortable when they’re doin’ their thing.
Now, they gonna check your pee, ya know? To make sure you ain’t cheatin’. So don’t try nothin’ funny. Just follow these here steps, and you’ll be alright. They say some folks try to mess with the test, but that’s just plain dumb. Your body ain’t stupid; it knows what’s up. So just be honest and do things the right way.
And listen, everybody’s different, ya know? Some folks are bigger, some are smaller, some eat different things. So, what works for one person might not work for another. But these here tips, they’re a good startin’ point. They’ll give ya a leg up, ya hear?
Passin’ this here hydration test is the first step, they say. If ya fail, ya don’t even get to step on the scale. They stop ya right there. So, it’s important, ya see? It’s like showin’ ’em you’re serious, that you’re takin’ care of yourself.

So, remember what I told ya. Drink lots of water, eat light, pee regular, and don’t try to cheat the system. Do that, and you’ll be golden. You’ll pass that test with flyin’ colors, and you can move on to the next thing. Good luck to ya, and God bless.
Tags: hydration test, wrestlers, weight management, hydration tips, passing hydration test, body composition