Alright, let’s talk about this Jose Aldo fella and that scar of his, or whatever it is you young folks are callin’ it these days. I ain’t no fancy fight expert or nothin’, just an old woman who’s seen a thing or two, and lemme tell ya, this Aldo guy, he’s somethin’ else.

Now, they say he’s got this mark, right? A scar, they call it. I reckon every tough guy’s got a few of those, from scrappin’ in the streets or wrasslin’ around. Back in my day, we didn’t need no fancy gyms or belts. We just…fought. And you bet your bottom dollar, we got scars. But this Aldo’s scar, it’s different, they say. It ain’t just some ordinary scratch. It’s…well, it’s part of him, I guess. Part of his story.
They talk about his legs, how he kicks like a mule. Calf kickin’, they call it. Sounds painful if you ask me. But I guess that’s how he wins them fights, huh? Beatin’ up them other fellas with his strong legs. And they say he’s good on his feet too, even though he’s one of them jiu-jitsu fellas. Now, I don’t know nothin’ about this jiu-whatsit, but sounds fancy. Back in my day, we just punched and kicked, plain and simple.
- But this scar…it ain’t from no street fight, I reckon.
- It’s from all them battles in the cage, they say.
- From gettin’ hit and hittin’ back, over and over again.
And they call him the “King of Rio.” Rio, huh? That’s a far piece away from here, I tell ya. But I guess he’s a big deal over there. A king, they say. Well, kings gotta have scars, right? It shows they ain’t afraid to fight. It shows they’ve been through somethin’. And this Aldo, he’s been through a lot, from what I hear.
They say he’s comin’ back, this king. Tryin’ to climb back up to the top, like he used to be. UFC 307, they’re callin’ it. Sounds like a big to-do. And everyone’s wonderin’ if he can do it, if he can win again. If that old scar of his will give him the strength he needs. Well, I don’t know nothin’ about that, but I do know one thing: this Aldo fella, he’s got somethin’ special. He’s got that fire in his belly, that fight in his heart.
And that scar, well, it’s just a reminder of all the battles he’s fought, all the times he’s been knocked down and got back up. It’s a part of his story, just like my wrinkles are part of mine. We all got our marks, our scars, inside and out. It’s what makes us who we are.
They talk about his wife, too. Says she’s a fighter herself. A purple belt in that jiu-thingy. And she’s got two kids with him. Joanna and Jose the Third, they’re called. Imagine that, a whole family of fighters. That’s somethin’, ain’t it? Maybe them kids will have scars of their own someday, too. Maybe they’ll be tough like their daddy.
So, this Jose Aldo scar, it ain’t just a mark on his skin. It’s a map of his life, a story etched in flesh. It tells of battles won and lost, of pain endured and overcome. And it reminds us that even kings, even the toughest of fighters, they ain’t invincible. They got their weaknesses, their vulnerabilities. But it’s how they deal with them, how they keep fightin’ even when they’re hurt, that makes them who they are.
And that’s all I gotta say about that. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go make some supper. This talkin’ about fightin’ makes me hungry. And remember, young folks, life’s gonna give you scars, one way or another. It’s up to you to decide what they mean.

Tags: Jose Aldo, Scar, UFC, MMA, King of Rio, UFC 307, Fighter, Jiu-Jitsu, Vivianne Perriera, Joanna Aldo, Jose Aldo III