Alright, let’s talk about this fella, Josh Sborz, and how much money he’s makin’. I heard folks jabberin’ about it, so I figured I’d try to make some sense of it for ya.

Now, they say this Josh guy plays baseball, somethin’ called “pitcher.” Sounds like hard work, throwin’ that ball all day. And for that, he gets paid a pretty penny, or so they tell me.
What’s Josh Sborz’s Salary?
I ain’t no fancy accountant, but from what I gather, this boy’s salary changes from year to year. One place said he got somethin’ like $733,450 in a year, and another said over a million! Can you believe that? A million dollars! That’s more money than I ever seen in my whole life. They also said somethin’ about $1,025,000 for 2024. That’s a whole lotta dough, ain’t it? Makes my head spin just thinkin’ about it.
- One year, they said he got around $733,450. That’s a lot, even if it ain’t a million.
- Then, in 2024, they said he was up to $1,025,000. Guess he must be doin’ somethin’ right.
How Does His Salary Compare to Other Players?
Now, they say baseball players make all sorts of money. Some get more, some get less. Apparently, the average fella in baseball makes somethin’ like $4.22 million a year. But that’s just the average, see? Some big stars make way more, and some fellas just startin’ out make less. This Josh guy, he seems to be somewhere in the middle, maybe? They also mentioned somethin’ called a “median salary,” which is around $1.5 million. That means half the players make more, and half make less.
Bonuses and Other Earnings
And it ain’t just the salary, you know. They got these things called “bonuses” too. Like, if this Josh fella pitches a certain number of innings, he gets extra money. I heard tell of somethin’ like $50,000 for reachin’ 30 innings, and more money for pitchin’ even more. He can get even more money, like $75,000 if he pitches even more, and heck, they even mentioned $80,000 for pitchin’ a whole bunch! It’s like they get rewarded for workin’ hard, which I guess is fair. This boy also had a contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers for $563,500. They said it was guaranteed money, which means he gets it no matter what. Must be nice to have that kind of security.
Josh Sborz’s Net Worth

Someone even mentioned his “net worth,” which I reckon means how much money he’s got all together. They threw around a number like $2,682,000. That’s a whole heap of money! Makes you wonder what he does with it all. Buys fancy cars, I suppose. Maybe a big house.
Where Can You Find This Information?
Now, if you’re like me and want to poke around and see this stuff for yourself, there’s places you can look. They got these websites, like USA TODAY, and somethin’ called Spotrac. They keep track of all this salary stuff for all sorts of players. You just gotta type in the fella’s name, and it’ll pop right up. It ain’t always easy to understand, all these numbers and figures, but if you take your time, you can get a pretty good idea of how much these fellas are makin’.
Final Thoughts
So, there you have it. A little somethin’ about Josh Sborz and his salary. He makes a lot of money, that’s for sure. More than most folks I know. But I reckon he works hard for it, throwin’ that ball all day. And good for him, I say. Everyone deserves to make a livin’, and if he can make a good one playin’ baseball, then more power to him. Just hope he remembers where he came from, you know?
Some Young Players Salaries
They mentioned some other young players too, like Ezequiel Duran, Josh Jung, Josh H. Smith, Evan Carter and Cody Bradford. These fellas apparently make around $770,000. Seems like baseball is a good way to make a living, especially if you are young.
This whole baseball salary thing is a bit complicated, but I tried my best to explain it in a way that makes sense. Hope it helped ya some. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go tend to my chickens.

Tags: [Josh Sborz, MLB, salary, baseball, Texas Rangers, Los Angeles Dodgers, Spotrac, earnings, net worth, pitcher salary]