Well, let me tell ya, there ain’t nothin’ more frustratin’ than sittin’ down to do a crossword puzzle and runnin’ into that one clue that just stumps ya. Now, if you’re here lookin’ for the answer to “Losing steam,” you’re in the right place, ’cause that’s a tough one, but I got it figured out for ya. The answer you’re lookin’ for is FLAGGING.

Now, “losing steam” is a funny way to put it, but if you think about it, it’s like when somethin’ ain’t got the energy it once did, like a horse that’s tired out after runnin’ too long or a fire that’s burnin’ low. So, the word flagging fits right in, don’t it? It means that somethin’ is slowin’ down or weakening. It’s not at its full strength no more.
It’s kinda like when I go out to the garden and I’m feelin’ good, but after a few hours of pullin’ weeds, I start to get tired, my energy starts flaggin’. Same with a car engine, after runnin’ for a while, it might lose steam and not run so fast. That’s what “losing steam” is all about. So, when you see that clue, now you know what it means!
Now, this clue showed up in the New York Times crossword puzzle on July 18, 2024, and if you happen to be workin’ on that puzzle, well, you’re lookin’ at the right place. That there’s the solution. I reckon a lot of folks might have struggled with that one, but once you get it, it’s like a light bulb goin’ off, ya know?
If you’re into these crossword puzzles like I am, you’ll know they can be a real test of the ol’ brain, but once you figure ’em out, it sure does feel good. It’s like takin’ a step back and thinkin’, “Hey, I can still do this!” Same goes for all those other clues you might come across. Sometimes they’re a real head-scratcher, but just keep goin’ and ya get there eventually.
And don’t forget, crossword puzzles ain’t just a fun way to pass the time, they also help keep that brain of yours sharp. It’s like exercisin’ your brain, just like how we used to run up and down the hills when I was younger. Keeps you healthy, keeps you thinkin’. So, the next time you run into a clue like “losing steam,” you’ll know just where to look. And if you come across another tricky one, well, just keep at it, you’ll get it!
Other possible crossword clues
- Flagging energy
- Weakening
- Fading away
So there you have it, my friend, “losing steam” means FLAGGING. Now, go on and finish that puzzle, you’re just a step away from feeling like a crossword champ!
Tags:[Losing Steam, Crossword Clue, Flagging, NYT Crossword, Puzzle Solutions, Word Puzzle, Crossword Help, New York Times Crossword]