Okay, so yesterday I was trying to figure out what happened in the Nebraska baseball game. I’m a big fan, you know, always trying to keep up with the Huskers.

First, I checked the official website, but it was a mess. I couldn’t find the recent scores anywhere. Seriously, who designed that site? It’s like a maze!
Then, I started hunting around on social media. I finally landed on the Nebraska Baseball Facebook page. Their video posts had the recent scores. Like, they mentioned something about .353, 21 R, 3 HR, and so on. That gave me a little clue.
Then, because I wanted to look at what other fans were talking about, I jumped over to this forum where people discuss USCIS stuff, and someone was talking about the Nebraska Service Center. It didn’t really help with the score, but I got a bit sidetracked reading about their visa issues. Some stuff about G325a forms and employer letters.
Finally, I hit up a sports site, I think it was ESPN or something. They had the final score! Turns out, Nebraska played against Florida, and the score was 17-11 for Florida. Another game they played was against Niagara and they won 7-5! That made me feel a bit better, although the loss to Florida was rough. I also learned that the team once had a crazy good season, winning 57 games. That’s insane!
So, yeah, it was a whole journey just to find a simple baseball score. But I got it in the end. Go Huskers!