Okay, so I was stumped by this crossword clue the other day: “some suede kicks.” It had me scratching my head for a good while. I mean, I know what suede is, and “kicks” obviously means shoes, but “some”? That’s what threw me off.

First, I tried to think of different types of suede shoes. I went through my mental list:
- Boots? Nope, didn’t fit the number of letters.
- Sneakers? Still no.
- Loafers? Uh-uh.
I was getting nowhere. I even started to look around my room, hoping maybe I’d see a pair of suede shoes and get inspired. Nothing.
Then, I decided to change my approach. Instead of focusing on the “suede” part, I focused on the “some.” I thought, “What could ‘some’ mean in this context?” It could be part of a brand name, or a style, maybe?
And then it hit me! “Some” could refer to a portion of a word, a fragment. What about shoe brands that had the word for it? I started listing brands I could think of. And there it was: PUMAS! the letters matched!
It was such a simple answer, but it took me a while to get there. It’s funny how the brain works sometimes. You just gotta keep poking at the problem from different angles, and eventually, you’ll crack it.
I just filled the word “Pumas” in the crossword and it fit perfectly. It always feels so good when you finally get that tricky answer.