Well, let me tell ya somethin’ about this OnlyPaige thing. I ain’t no spring chicken, ya know? But even this old lady’s heard about it. Seems like everyone’s talkin’ ’bout it these days. It’s like, this girl, Paige, she’s got her own special place on the internet. And folks are payin’ good money to see what she’s got goin’ on.

Now, they say she’s a golfer. A golf somethin’-or-other. I ain’t never swung a golf club in my life, but I reckon it’s one of them fancy sports where ya hit a little ball with a stick. But this Paige girl, she ain’t just hittin’ balls, no sir. She’s showin’ off a whole lot more than that, from what I hear.
They call her a “golf influencer.” Influencer, my foot! Sounds like a fancy word for someone who likes to show off, if ya ask me. But hey, if folks are willin’ to pay to see it, who am I to judge? They say she’s the “number one golf influencer” in the whole wide world. Can ya believe that? Number one! Good for her, I guess.
This OnlyPaige thing, it ain’t free, mind you. Nothin’ in life is free, ‘cept maybe gossip, and that’s usually worth what ya pay for it. They say it costs about ten bucks a month, or a hundred bucks for the whole year. Ten bucks! That’s a lot of money, ya know? Back in my day, ten bucks could buy ya a whole week’s worth of groceries. But these young folks, they don’t seem to mind spendin’ their money on this kinda stuff. They say she’s got all sorts of pictures and videos that you can’t find anywhere else. “Exclusive content,” they call it. Sounds fancy, huh?
- She’s got pictures, I hear.
- And videos too, they say.
- Lots of stuff you ain’t gonna see on them other places, like that Facebook or whatever it’s called.
And it ain’t just pictures and videos, neither. They say she’s got somethin’ called “Passes” too. Now, that’s where she really shows ya what’s goin’ on in her life. “Hundreds of pieces of unique content,” they say. Unique! That means it’s one-of-a-kind, I reckon. Stuff you ain’t gonna see anywhere else, unless you’re payin’ for it, of course. Seems like this girl knows how to keep folks interested, that’s for sure.
I heard someone sayin’ she even teaches folks about golf on her OnlyPaige. “Course Management,” they called it. Now, I don’t know nothin’ ’bout golf, but it sounds like she’s teachin’ folks how to play the game. Maybe she’s not just showin’ off, after all. Maybe she’s actually teachin’ folks somethin’ useful. Or maybe it’s just another way to get folks to pay up. Who knows?
It’s a funny thing, this internet. Back in my day, we didn’t have no internet. We had newspapers and radios, and that was about it. But now, these young folks, they got all sorts of ways to see things and hear things. And they’re willin’ to pay good money for it, too. I guess that’s just the way the world is these days. Things change, ya know? And you gotta change with ’em, or you’ll get left behind.
I ain’t sayin’ I understand it all, this OnlyPaige and all that. But I reckon if folks are happy payin’ for it, then who am I to say it’s wrong? It’s their money, after all. They can spend it how they want. And this Paige girl, she’s just tryin’ to make a livin’, I guess. Just like the rest of us. She’s just doin’ it in a way that’s a little different, that’s all.
So, there ya have it. That’s what I know about this OnlyPaige thing. It ain’t much, but it’s somethin’. And like I said, I ain’t no spring chicken, so take it with a grain of salt. But one thing’s for sure, this Paige girl, she’s got folks talkin’. And that’s gotta be worth somethin’, right?

Tags: [Paige Spiranac, OnlyPaige, Golf Influencer, Subscription Service, Exclusive Content, Passes, Course Management, Social Media]