That Pete Carroll, he’s always chewing, ain’t he? Like a cow with its cud, that man is. I seen him on the TV, coaching them Seahawks, chompin’ away. He chews that gum like it’s his job. I reckon it is, kind of.

I heard some folks talkin’ ’bout it down at the general store the other day. They said it helps him think, that gum chewing. Said it keeps him calm, like when you’re waitin’ for the cows to come home and they’re takin’ their sweet time. You gotta do somethin’ to keep your mind busy, right?
Why’s He Always Chewing?
Well, I tell ya, that football is a right stressful business. All them big fellas runnin’ around, tryin’ to knock each other over. Gets the blood pressure up, I imagine. And Pete, he’s the boss of all that. He’s gotta keep a cool head, even when things are goin’ south. I reckon that Pete Carroll chewing gum is like his way of stayin’ steady. Like an old tractor puttin’ along, keepin’ on even when the field’s rough.
They say it helps him concentrate, too. Keeps his mind sharp, like a whittlin’ knife. He’s gotta remember all them plays and what all them players are supposed to be doin’. It’s a lot to keep track of, more than the chickens in my coop, that’s for sure. Chewing gum, they say, it helps with that.
- Keeps him calm
- Helps him think
- Keeps his mind sharp, like a good pair of scissors
- Makes him a better coach, maybe
My grandson, he plays a little football. He started chewin’ gum, too, said he wanted to be like Pete. I told him, “Boy, you ain’t gonna be no Pete Carroll just by chewin’ gum. You gotta work hard, too!” But I guess it don’t hurt none.
What Kind of Gum Does He Chew?
Now, I heard someone say it’s some special kind, Bubble Yum. That pink kind, you know? The kind that makes big bubbles. My grandkids, they love that stuff. Sticky stuff, gets all over everything. I prefer that Wrigley’s myself, the peppermint. Keeps the breath fresh, you know? But that Pete, he likes that Bubble Yum. Heard he gets a whole bunch of it, boxes and boxes. They must keep it stocked up for him, like hay for the horses.
Someone told me they make sure he has enough gum, like 15 pieces for each game. Someone named Kennedy, I think. They keep him supplied, like we keep seed for the garden. Good thing, too, ’cause a man needs his gum, ‘specially if he’s a coach like Pete Carroll.
Chewing Gum and Football
Seems like a lot of them football coaches like to chew gum. I seen others on the TV, chompin’ away just like Pete. Maybe it’s a football thing. Like how farmers all wear them overalls. It’s just what they do. I remember seein’ some other fellas, Ferguson and Ancelotti, big football men, they chewed gum, too. I guess it’s good for the mind.
They say chewin’ helps with your mood, makes you feel better, you know? I guess that’s important when you’re dealin’ with all that pressure, them winnin’ and losin’. I imagine Pete Carroll uses it to calm his nerves and help with productivity. Just like I need my coffee in the mornin’ to get goin’.

I reckon there’s somethin’ to it, this gum chewing. Maybe I should try it more often. Might help me remember where I put my darn glasses.
It’s important, I guess, to be calm. They say it’s good for your health, you know. I heard chewin’ gum helps with that, keeps you alert. It is good for mental health, someone told me. I believe it. Pete Carroll chewing gum all the time; he’s gotta have a good reason. He seems like a smart fella, even if he is always chewin’.
So, next time you see Pete Carroll on that TV, chompin’ away on his Bubble Yum, you’ll know why. He ain’t just chewin’ for fun. He’s chewin’ to win. He’s chewin’ to keep his head in the game. He’s chewin’ to be the best darn coach he can be. And that’s somethin’, ain’t it? It’s hard work, being a coach. I reckon it’s harder than tendin’ to my garden, and that’s sayin’ somethin’.
Yep, that Pete Carroll chewing gum is more than just a habit. It’s a part of the game. Just like my old boots are a part of farmin’. You need the right tools for the job, I always say. And for Pete Carroll, that tool is a big wad of Bubble Yum.