So, I was stumped by this crossword clue, “Shocked,” right? I mean, “shocked” can mean so many things. At first, my mind went totally blank.
I started by trying to think of really short words, ’cause, you know, sometimes those clues are tricky like that.
Then I remembered seeing somewhere that four-letter solution which called “AGOG”. So I googled “shocked crossword clue” and “AGOG” solution, and bang, there it was, plain as day, a four-letter word.
I felt like I was looking a four-leaf clover. It’s just there. Obvious once you see it, you know?
More “SHOCKED” Solutions
I got a little curious and further explored more about other length solutions. 65 solutions! I just had to write some down:
From 4 letters of “AGOG” to 13 letters of “FLABBERGASTED”, which made me surprised how this one simple clue could have so many different answers. It’s pretty cool, how flexible the English language. Crosswords, man, they always keep you learning, I guess.