Okay, so, I’ve been messing around with this game, and I wanted to figure out how to deal with Annie. She’s a real pain, especially when she hits level 6 and gets that bear, Tibbers. One thing I noticed right away is that when she’s got her stun ready, she’s way more dangerous.

I started digging around to see what other people were saying about countering her. It looks like there’s a lot of info out there, but it’s kinda scattered. Some folks are talking about specific champions that do well against her, others are just giving general tips. I even found some stats from pro matches, which is cool, but also, who plays like a pro, right? Not me, at least.
- First thing I tried was just paying more attention. It sounds dumb, but it helps. If you keep an eye on her, you can kinda tell when she’s about to go for a stun.
- Next, I looked at some of those “best counter” lists. They have all these fancy graphs and win rates and stuff, which is helpful to a point. I found a list with some characters I use.
- Then I started experimenting in actual games. I tried different champions, different strategies, you name it. I got stomped a lot, but I also started to see what worked and what didn’t.
One thing that seems to be important, no matter who you’re playing, is to respect her burst damage. When she has that bear and her stun, she can just delete you if you’re not careful. So, I started playing a bit safer when she hit level 6, and especially if I saw her stun was ready. I tried to save my own abilities until she used hers. That way if she flashed in to try and kill me I could hopefully escape.
Another useful thing I realized is that she’s a beast around the 30-35 minute mark in the game, but pretty weak in the first 25 minutes. So, I figured, maybe I can use that early time to get ahead. I’m still working on that part, honestly.
I noticed that some counters are better depending on the role, so I’ve been trying to figure out the best counters for each position. I mostly play top and support, but I think I should start trying out mid, it might be easier to learn the match up there.
Honestly, it’s been a lot of trial and error. And a lot of getting blown up by Tibbers. But I feel like I’m slowly getting better at dealing with her. At least, I’m not feeding as much as I used to! I used to have no idea what I was doing and would get so frustrated, but after playing a bit more I think I at least have a basic understanding of how to handle her.
Key Takeaways
- Pay attention to Annie’s stun.
- Respect her damage, especially after level 6.
- Experiment with different champions and strategies.
- Don’t give up, even if you get crushed a few times!
I’m still learning, and I’m sure there’s a lot more to it than what I’ve figured out so far. But hopefully, this is a good starting point for anyone else who’s struggling with this matchup. Maybe if I keep playing, one day I won’t be scared of facing an Annie anymore!