Well, howdy there! Let’s talk about this here “snake draft order numbers,” whatever that means. Sounds fancy, but I reckon it ain’t nothin’ too complicated. It’s like when you pickin’ corn in the field, sometimes you go first, sometimes you go last, but everyone gets their turn, see?

What’s a Snake Draft Anyways?
So, from what I gather, this snake draft thingy is how they pick players in them fantasy sports games. You know, like when folks pretend to own football teams or baseball teams. They ain’t real teams, mind you, just make-believe. But these folks, they get all worked up about pickin’ the best players. It’s like pickin’ the plumpest chickens in the coop, I guess.
Now, the “snake” part just means the pickin’ order goes back and forth. One round you might pick last, the next round you pick first. It’s like a snake windin’ its way through the grass. Up and down, back and forth. Keeps things fair, I reckon, so no one gets stuck with all the scrawny chickens, so to speak.
Figurin’ Out Your Pick Number
Now, if you’re playin’ in one of these fantasy leagues, you gotta figure out where you pick. That’s your “draft position” or your “pick number.” Sounds all official, don’t it? But it’s just like waitin’ in line at the market. Someone’s gotta be first, someone’s gotta be last.
They say there’s different ways to do it. Sometimes they just draw names out of a hat, like we do at the church raffle. Sometimes they use a fancy computer program. But however they do it, you get a number, and that number tells you when it’s your turn to pick.
Snake Draft Order in Different Team Sizes
Now, the pickin’ order changes dependin’ on how many folks are playin’. If you got a small group, say eight or ten, it’s pretty straightforward. But if you got a whole bunch of folks, like twelve or fourteen, it gets a little more complicated. More folks, more twistin’ and turnin’ in that snake draft, you see?

- 10-Team Snake Draft: Say you got 10 teams. The first round goes 1 to 10. Then the second round flips, goes 10 back to 1. Third round is 1 to 10 again, and so on. Simple as pie.
- 12-Team Snake Draft: Now, if you got 12 teams, it’s the same idea, just longer. First round, 1 to 12. Second round, 12 to 1. Back and forth, like a swingin’ door.
- More Than 12 Teams: If you got even more folks playin’, the snake just gets longer. But the idea’s the same. You pick late one round, you pick early the next. Keeps everyone on their toes.
Why Some Pick Numbers are Better
Now, some folks say certain pick numbers are better than others. They say pickin’ early is good ’cause you get the best players. Like gettin’ the first pick of the tomatoes at the farmers market, you get the juiciest ones. But then other folks say pickin’ late is good too, ’cause you get to pick twice in a row, see? One at the end of one round, one at the beginnin’ of the next. It’s like gettin’ a double helping of dessert. Everyone has their opinions, I reckon.
From what I hear, pickin’ at the very beginnin’ or the very end of the first round is supposed to be good. But I don’t know, seems like a lot of fuss to me. As long as you get to pick, that’s all that matters, right? It ain’t like the world’s gonna end if you don’t get the best quarterback or somethin’.
Snake Draft vs. Auction Draft
Now, there’s another way to pick players, called an “auction draft.” That’s where folks bid on players, like they do at a cattle auction. Sounds like a whole lot of hollerin’ and yellin’ to me. I prefer the snake draft, myself. Nice and orderly, everyone gets their turn. No need to get all worked up and outbid your neighbor.
Making the Most of Your Draft Position
So, whether you pick first, last, or somewhere in the middle, the main thing is to just have fun. Don’t get too stressed out about it. It’s just a game, after all. And remember, even if you get stuck with a bunch of scrawny chickens, you can still make a pretty good stew, if you know what you’re doin’.
Final Thoughts on Snake Drafts

So there you have it. That’s my take on this here snake draft order number business. It ain’t rocket science, just a way to keep things fair when you’re pickin’ teams. Whether you’re pickin’ football players, baseball players, or just plain old chickens, the snake draft is a good way to make sure everyone gets a fair shake. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go check on my own chickens. They ain’t part of no fantasy league, but they still need feedin’.