Okay, so I saw this phrase “takes the helm” in my crossword puzzle today, and at first, I was like, “Huh?” I mean, I kinda get it, like steering a ship or something, but my brain wasn’t making the connection to a single word answer. So, I did what any normal person would do – I started poking around.

First, I thought about the literal meaning. “Takes the helm”… that’s gotta be about control, right? Being in charge. So I messed with words like “LEADS”, “GUIDES”, “DIRECTS”… No dice. My crossword was stubbornly empty.
Then, I tried to be a bit more visual. I pictured a captain at the wheel of a ship. What are they actually doing? They’re STEERING, of course! I slotted that word into my head, letter by letter, imagining how it might fit. Still nothing. It felt close-ish, but no cigar.
I even look up for some hints online, find not much helpful though.
I decided to take a break. Sometimes, you just gotta step away, right? I grabbed a cup of coffee, flipped through some news, and let my brain chill for a bit.
And then, BAM! It hit me. It’s not just about being in charge, it’s about assuming charge. Taking over. It’s a simple word, really… and I find the correct anwser finally.