Alright, alright, lemme tell ya ’bout this Chris fella from MrBeast and if he got himself divorced or somethin’. Folks been gossiping, ya know, like hens in a coop. So, I heard this and that, and I’m gonna try and make sense of it for ya, the best I can.

Now, I ain’t no fancy city slicker with all them smart phones and internet thingamajigs. But I got ears, and I hear things. Seems like this Chris guy, he’s kinda important, works with that MrBeast fella who gives away all that money. Big money, I tell ya, enough to make your head spin. Makes you wonder if that kind of money brings happiness or just more trouble.
- First thing I heard was somethin’ ’bout Chris’s wife changin’ her name.
- Now, why would a woman go and do that? Unless somethin’s up, right?
- They say she changed it on some kinda… uh… bio thingy.
- And somethin’ ’bout standin’ with some folks far away, Pal… Pal-some-thin’. Don’t rightly remember.
This happened, I reckon, late last year, maybe goin’ into this year. That’s what the talk is, anyways. Folks get married, seems like everything’s peaches and cream, and then, bam! Somethin’ goes wrong. Just like that ol’ milk I left out on the porch last summer, soured before I could even get a sip.
Now, I ain’t sayin’ they divorced for sure, but it makes a body wonder. Marriage is a tough row to hoe, ain’t it? You gotta work at it, tend to it like a garden. You let things slide, weeds start growin’, and before you know it, everything’s a mess.
I heard tell there’s ways to predict if a marriage is gonna last, kinda like how you can tell if it’s gonna rain by lookin’ at the sky. They call ’em “key predict… pre-dick-tors” or some such fancy words. But honestly, I think it all boils down to treatin’ each other right. Bein’ kind, bein’ honest, and puttin’ in the effort. Simple as that.
Some folks, they just rush into things. Like that time my nephew Billy bought that beat-up pickup truck without even lookin’ under the hood. Broke down a week later, cost him a fortune to fix. You gotta be careful, gotta take your time, especially when it comes to somethin’ as important as marriage.
I also heard somethin’ ’bout helpin’ folks with rent and bills. Maybe Chris and his wife, maybe they had troubles like that. Money problems can strain a marriage, make folks grumpy and short-tempered. It’s hard to be lovin’ when you’re worried about keepin’ a roof over your head and food on the table.
Then there’s all this talk ’bout houses for sale. I seen them flyers, pictures of pretty houses, all fixed up and fancy. Makes me think, maybe Chris and his wife, maybe they sold their house. Or maybe they bought a new one. Or maybe it ain’t got nothin’ to do with them at all. See? That’s why gossip is a tricky thing.
Now, I ain’t one for them computer doohickeys, but I heard there’s rules and stuff for puttin’ in information, like numbers and such. Seems like even on them machines, you gotta be careful and follow the rules. Kinda like life, ain’t it? You gotta follow the rules, or things go haywire.

And then, outta nowhere, I hear ’bout folks disappearin’. Whole towns, gone without a trace. Like them Vikings way up north, or them Mayans way down south. Just vanished. Makes you think, doesn’t it? Makes you think about how nothin’ lasts forever. Makes you appreciate what you got, while you got it.
So, back to Chris and his wife. Did they get divorced? I dunno for sure. Nobody’s told me straight out, and I ain’t gonna go pokin’ my nose where it don’t belong. But from what I hear, things might not be so rosy. Maybe they’re workin’ through it, maybe they’re done. That’s their business, not mine. But one thing’s for sure, marriage is a hard thing, and sometimes, it just don’t work out. And that’s the truth, as plain as the nose on your face.
Anyways, that’s all I know ‘bout this whole thing. Take it with a grain of salt, ya hear? Folks like to talk, and half the time, they don’t know what they’re talkin’ about.