Well, lemme tell ya, this young fella, Jared Jones, he’s somethin’ else. Heard folks talkin’ ’bout him, playin’ that baseball. They say he’s gonna be a big star. His mama and daddy must be real proud. Who are Jared Jones parents? I bet they’re just bustin’ their buttons with pride! I ain’t never seen him play myself, but folks say he’s got a real strong arm. Throws that ball like a rocket, they say.

This Jared, he’s from California. A place called Whittier, I hear. Then he went to another place in California, La Mirada. That’s where he played ball in high school, La Mirada High School. He was born in 2001, August 6th, so he ain’t too old. Still a young buck, really. But they say he’s one of the best, even in California. They say he was the number one RHP. I don’t know what that means, but it sounds important. And number four at somethin’ else. He must be good to be gettin’ all these numbers! Made 37, uh, somethings, at that La Mirada. Sounds like he was busy!
Then this team, the Pittsburgh Pirates, they picked him. Like pickin’ the best apple off the tree, I reckon. That was in 2020, in somethin’ they call a draft. He was gonna go play for some long horns, Texas Longhorns, sounds like a bunch of cows if you ask me. But he went with those Pirates instead. Good for him, I guess. Gotta chase your dreams, ya know?
He started playin’ for real in 2021. With a team called the Bradenton Marauders. Sounds like a bunch of bandits to me! But it’s all baseball, I reckon. And then, last year, 2023, he went to a place called Altoona. Double-A somethin’. It’s all a lot to keep up with! But that Jared Jones, he’s climbin’ the ladder, that’s for sure.
They say he played in that big league now, that Major League Baseball. Struck out ten fellas from Miami. Miami Marlins, that’s the team. Ten! That’s a whole lotta strikin’ out! He must be somethin’ special. Jared Jones parents must be so proud. I wonder if they taught him how to throw like that. Or if he just came by it natural. Some folks are just born with it, ya know?
This one fella, Jimmy Zurn, he’s a coach at that La Mirada High School. He talked about how much this Jared Jones has grown. Like a cornstalk in July, I bet! He must’ve seen somethin’ special in that boy to be talkin’ about him like that. This Jared played at a field called Coors Field. He’s 22 and playin’ against gravity. Whatever that means. It wasn’t a good end, though, for those Pittsburgh Pirates.
- He’s from California.
- Played at La Mirada High School.
- Picked by the Pittsburgh Pirates.
- Struck out ten Marlins!
- Jimmy Zurn says he’s grown a lot.
I tell ya, these young folks today, they’re somethin’ else. Playin’ their sports, makin’ a name for themselves. It’s a different world than when I was young. We didn’t have all these fancy leagues and drafts and whatnot. We just played for fun. But I’m happy for this Jared Jones. Hope he makes it big. And I bet his mama and daddy, whoever they are those Jared Jones parents, are just the proudest folks in the world. Wouldn’t you be? I sure would be.
They got all kind of tags, too: Jared Jones, Pittsburgh Pirates, Pitcher, Noah Wright, Colorado Rockies. It is all confusing to me, to be honest, all these things they use. Don’t know why they need all those names and such. But I guess they are all about this Jared Jones kid. Heard he’s gonna be a big star. Well, good for him. Hope he remembers where he came from. And I hope his mama and daddy, those Jared Jones parents, get to see him shine. That’s all that matters, really. Seein’ your young’uns do good. Makes all the hard work worth it, don’t it?
Yep, that Jared Jones, he’s one to watch, they say. One to watch. Maybe I’ll try to catch one of his games sometime. See what all the fuss is about. But for now, I’m just gonna sit here and wonder about Jared Jones parents. They must be somethin’ special, too, to raise a boy like that. Yep, somethin’ special indeed.