Okay, folks, let me tell you about this crazy thing that happened recently. I was browsing through some MMA news, and stumbled upon this wild fight between Edil Esengulov and Vinicius Cruz. The title? “Vinicius Cruz Ear.” It made my stomach churn just thinking about it, but I had to know more.

So, I started digging. This fight took place on November 24th, part of the ACA welterweight grand prix. Now, I’m not a huge MMA follower, but I know enough to understand that these guys are tough as nails.
First, I checked out the fighters. Edil Esengulov, this guy’s a beast from Kyrgyzstan, riding a 13-fight winning streak. Talk about momentum! Then there’s Vinicius Cruz, a Brazilian fighter with a decent record, 12-6-1. A solid opponent, for sure.
I found some background info on what actually happened in the fight. Apparently, things got pretty nasty. It said that Esengulov busted Cruz’s ear so bad that the doctor had to stop the fight in the fourth round. I shuddered. I mean, we all know MMA is brutal, but this sounded extreme.
Then, I learned about this thing called “cauliflower ear.” I know, sounds more like a bad menu item than a condition, right? But this is something that happens to fighters when they get repeated hits to their ears. The blood collects between the cartilage and the skin, causing it to look all swollen and deformed. Makes sense why they call it that now, but yuck!
Naturally, I was curious about how they treat this. They say the best bet is to see a doctor as soon as you notice it. If you let it go untreated, the cartilage can die, and you’re left with a permanent deformity that’s super hard to fix. I can only imagine what Cruz went through.
Prevention and Treatment
- Prevention: Wear headgear! It’s common sense, but it’s worth saying. If you’re into contact sports, protect your ears. Make sure that headgear fits properly, too.
- Treatment: See a doctor immediately if you suspect cauliflower ear. Don’t wait around! Early treatment is essential to prevent permanent damage.
It made me think about how many of these MMA guys probably come from grappling sports. It’s like a rite of passage or something, this cauliflower ear.
This whole deep dive into the Vinicius Cruz ear incident was a bit of a wild ride. It’s a stark reminder of the risks these fighters take every time they step into the ring. But it also made me appreciate the importance of safety and prompt medical attention in these kinds of sports. Stay safe out there, folks, and protect your ears!