Today I was scrolling through Instagram, and I kept seeing this phrase, “chama, chama, chama.” I was like, what the heck does that mean? “Chama” sounds kind of cool, but I had no clue what it was about. So, I got curious and decided to figure it out.

First, I googled “chama.” The results were all over the place. Some were talking about a llama, others about some African political party, and a bunch of other stuff that didn’t make sense. I was getting nowhere. Then I added “pereira” to the search, like in the phrase “chama pereira.”
Still, the results were pretty confusing. I got some sports stuff, something about soccer players, but nothing really clear. I was about to give up, but then I had an idea.
I headed to Urban Dictionary. You know, that site where people explain slang and weird words. I typed in “chama” and hit enter.
Bam! There it was. Urban Dictionary said “chama” is Brazilian slang, and it means to call someone or get their attention. Kind of like saying “hey” or “yo” in English. It can also mean to flirt or hit on someone. That made a bit more sense with what I saw on Instagram.
Digging Deeper
But I wasn’t satisfied. I wanted to know more. So I went back to Google and searched for “chama meaning in Portuguese.”
This time, I found some better explanations. I learned that “chama” is the third-person singular form of the verb “chamar,” which means “to call” in Portuguese. That clicked! It’s like saying “he calls” or “she calls” in English.
I also found a few forums and language learning sites where people were discussing the word. They confirmed that “chama” is a common way to get someone’s attention in Brazil, especially in informal settings.
Putting It All Together
So, here’s what I figured out: “chama pereira” is probably a phrase used by Brazilians or people familiar with Brazilian Portuguese. “Pereira” is likely a person’s name or a nickname. And “chama” is just a casual way of calling out to them.

It’s like saying “Call Pereira!” or “Hey Pereira!” in a friendly, informal way.
I feel pretty good about solving this little mystery. It was a fun little dive into language and culture. And now, the next time I see “chama” on social media, I’ll have a better idea of what’s going on.
- Search: Google “chama,” then “chama pereira.”
- Check: Urban Dictionary for slang meaning.
- Learn: Google “chama meaning in Portuguese.”
- Read: Forums and language sites for more context.
- Conclude: “chama pereira” is a casual way to call someone named Pereira in Brazilian Portuguese.
Mystery solved! This is kinda fun and hope you like my sharing.