Alright, let’s talk about this Tiger fella, the golf guy. You know, the one always on TV hitting that little white ball. Everybody calls him Tiger Woods, but guess what? That ain’t his real name! Yep, it’s like when you call your grandson “Little Peanut” even though his name is actually Thomas.

So, what’s this Tiger’s real handle? Well, it’s a mouthful, I tell ya. His real name is Eldrick. Eldrick Tont Woods, to be exact. Sounds fancy, right? Like somethin’ you’d name a racehorse, not a person. But that’s what his mama and daddy put on his birth certificate. Eldrick Tont Woods. Born way back in 1975, down in California.
- First name: Eldrick
- Middle name: Tont
- Last name: Woods
Now, how he got the nickname “Tiger,” that’s another story. See, his daddy, Earl Woods, he was in the army, a lieutenant colonel, big shot stuff. And he had this buddy, a soldier from Vietnam, named Vuong Dang Phong. And this Vuong fella, Earl called him “Tiger.” So, when little Eldrick came along, Earl started callin’ him Tiger too, after his friend. And wouldn’t you know it, the name stuck! Just like how my nephew got called “Red” ‘cause of his hair, even though his name’s Harold.
Now, this Tiger, or Eldrick, or whatever you wanna call him, he’s real good at that golf game. Wins all sorts of tournaments, makes a whole lotta money. They say he’s one of the best ever, maybe even the best. He’s got more money than you can shake a stick at. He’s what they call a “professional golfer.” Means he gets paid to play golf. Imagine that! Gettin’ paid to whack a ball around a field. Must be nice.
Heard tell he’s got his own company too, uses them initials, ETW, for the name. That’s Eldrick Tont Woods, see? Smart fella, that Tiger. Uses his real name for the business, but everybody still calls him Tiger. Kinda funny how that works.
And folks are always lookin’ for him on TV and that internet thingy, always wanna know what’s he’s up to. If he went by Eldrick, nobody’d know who they were talkin’ about. They’d be all confused. So he sticks with Tiger. It’s easier that way.
He’s got a mama from Thailand, Kultida, they call her. Only child, this Tiger is. Grew up in California, like I said. And this golf thing, he’s been doin’ it a long time. Started young, I reckon. You gotta start young to get that good. Can’t just pick up a golf club when you’re old and gray like me and expect to be hittin’ balls like Tiger.
So, to sum it all up: Tiger Woods? Famous golfer. But his real name? Eldrick Tont Woods. Don’t forget it now! And he got that Tiger name from his daddy’s army buddy. That’s the whole story, plain and simple, just like I told ya. Now you know as much as I do about this Tiger fella. He’s good at golf, makes lots of money, and his real name is a mouthful.
This Tiger, he’s done won a whole bunch of golf games, more than most fellas. They say he’s tied for first in some kinda tour wins, and second in some big championships. He’s got all sorts of records too, whatever them are. All I know is, he’s a darn good golfer, and he’s famous for it. And even though his real name is Eldrick, everyone calls him Tiger.

And that’s all there is to it. Don’t let them fancy folks on TV fool ya with all their big words. It’s just a fella named Eldrick who goes by Tiger, and he’s real good at hittin’ that little white ball. Just like my grandson Tommy, except Tommy ain’t famous and he don’t make no money hittin’ balls. But he’s still my Little Peanut, and that’s all that matters.
Anyways, that’s the story of Tiger Woods’ real name. Eldrick Tont Woods. Remember that now. It’s a good story, a simple story, about a fella with a funny name who became a big star.
And just so you know, even that store, that Flying Tiger store, they had trouble with that Tiger name. Had to change it up a bit, add Copenhagen to it, cause they couldn’t use just Tiger everywhere. See, that Tiger name, it’s popular, but it can cause a fuss sometimes.
But for our golf fella, Tiger it is, and Tiger it’ll probably stay. Even though his mama named him Eldrick. Life’s funny that way, ain’t it?
Tags: [Tiger Woods, Eldrick Tont Woods, Real Name, Golfer, PGA Tour, Nickname, Earl Woods, Kultida Woods, Golf, Professional Golfer]